19th Lincoln Days Civil War Reenactment
June 2, 2021
Enjoy a Civil War Reenactment in Pittsfield, Illinois for the 19th Lincoln Days Civil War Reenactment, with full battle reenactments of the Battle of Shiloh.
The event is held at Lake Pittsfield in Pike County, IL on June 5 & 6, 2021, and admission is FREE. Events for you to discover include: Union and Confederate encampments with artillery, cavalry, infantry, naval and civilian reenactors; music by famous folk singer Chris Vallillo and the Alton Jaeger Fife & Drum Corps; plus programs on Civil War medicine & surgery, Underground Railroad, 1860's church service, artillery and navy in the Civil War and the Battle of Shiloh, and the Soldier's Aide Society.
You are also invited to attend the Civil War renewal of wedding vows & Lemonade Party and the Ladies & Gentleman's Fashion Show. For children, there is a scavenger hunt. Period food and vendors are available.
This event is sponsored by the Abe Lincoln Project/Looking for Lincoln in Pike County and the City of Pittsfield. Learn more at https://www.pikelincoln.com/lincoln-days/