Warm, Sincere Friendship

Quincy’s Orville H. Browning was Lincoln’s friend, advisor, and confidant.  Learn what the two men had in common and how they seemed very dissimilar.  Find out how Browning served as Lincoln’s close presidential ally, and learn more about the significant historical importance of Browning’s diary, a primary source for Lincoln scholars.

Looking for Exhibits Wayside Exhibits related to Quincy in the Lincoln Era are located at 18 sites. The exhibits provide details about Lincoln, events, local people, and environment that contributed to Lincoln's Quincy story. 

Guide to Lincoln's Quincy:  https://seequincy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/lincoln-in-quincy_web_2016.pdf


Visitor Information

Address: Hampshire St. & N. 8th St. Quincy, Illinois 62703
