History of the 1858 DebatesLincoln-Douglas Debate Communities

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Galesburg-Quincy Tour

The visitor can opt to take this relaxed excursion and stay overnight in one end or the other of this winding tour along the Mississippi. Accommodations for the family or the couple, historic downtown shopping and leisurely walking highlight either end of this tour with Galesburg and Quincy, with sights to be seen between.

8 hours including travel time, but excluding historic shopping trips.


Knox College, founded by abolitionists was the site of the fifth Lincoln-Douglas Debate is the centerpiece here with brilliant shopping and a pleasant visit to the Carl Sandburg Home, a writer and poet who immortalized the Abraham Lincoln/Ann Rutledge legend.

Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site (30 minutes)

Carl Sandburg Home (40 minutes)

Historic Seminary Street Shopping District (Varies)


This portion though historic in nature, is unrelated to your Lincoln experience in a direct way, but preserves a portion of the town in a way that Lincoln may have experienced as 1840's Illinois. Highlighting the Mormon move to the West, this area affords a relaxed drive down the Mississippi from Galesburg and into the past as Lincoln knew it.

Joseph Smith Historic Site (1 hour)


Continuing the adventure, visitors can feel free to explore the rich history of the land as Lincoln knew it in this historic community.

Kibbe Museum (1 hour)


The site of the Sixth Lincoln Douglas Debate, historic Quincy not only offers the Lincoln Douglas Interpretive Center, but a rich and varied history including sites that offer a glimpse into the abolitionist movement and the underground railroad. Not surprising, considering Quincy was where Lincoln took his strongest stand against slavery during the debates.

Lincoln-Douglas Interpretive Center (40 minutes)

John Wood Mansion (1 hour)

Dr. Richard Eells House (40 minutes)

Lincoln-Douglas Debate Site

Carl Sandburg Home

Kibbe Museum

John Wood Mansion

© Looking for Lincoln Heritage Coalition • #1 Old State Capitol Plaza • Springfield, IL 62701 • 217.782.6817